As overwhelming as an office redesign or move can be, having the right information will often ease any worries and prove crucial to your project’s success.
We’ve collated the most useful facts, resources and opinions to guide you, surprise you and inform you.
Your organization will have various reasons to store business resources; it may be storage for a relocation, security, safety, or even decluttering to create space. With that in mind, we’ve listed FOUR KEY QUESTIONS to ask about storing your assets with removal and storage companies.
In 2020, with soaring COVID rates, we had to work from home. Our new workstation became that barely used desk in the bedroom, the dining table, or even the garden occasionally. It was us and our laptops against the world. Now, in 2024, we’re all likely to be back in the office a few times […]
Office attendance rates are rising, and are expected to throughout 2024. In fact, the return to office has been ongoing for quite some time; in March 2023, only 13% of job postings on LinkedIn offered remote working opportunities, and 87% of international organizations now encourage office attendance at least some of the working week. But […]
Choosing the right office location is one of the most important decisions that can impact your business’s success. An office location is not just a physical space for daily operations, but it can also directly affect employee productivity, the company’s image, accessibility for clients, and overall business efficiency. Several factors must be carefully considered when […]
Pindah kantor bisa menjadi momen yang penting dan strategis bagi perusahaan. Namun, proses ini sering kali menimbulkan tantangan besar, terutama dalam hal logistik dan komunikasi. Salah satu elemen kunci yang tak boleh diabaikan adalah bagaimana perusahaan mengkomunikasikan perubahan ini kepada klien dan mitra bisnis. Ketika dikelola dengan baik, komunikasi yang efektif tentang pindahan kantor dapat […]
Office relocation can be an important and strategic moment for a company. However, this process often brings significant challenges, particularly in terms of logistics and communication. One key element that should not be overlooked is how the company communicates this change to clients and business partners. When handled well, effective communication about an office relocation […]
In the ever-evolving business world, companies often face the challenge of managing unused office assets such as electronic equipment, furniture, and various other items. Whether due to office relocations, equipment upgrades, or simply an effort to reduce clutter, a significant amount of unused items can accumulate. Recycling and disposal services for office assets offer an […]
Dalam dunia bisnis yang terus berkembang, perusahaan seringkali dihadapkan dengan tantangan mengelola aset-aset kantor yang tidak lagi digunakan, seperti peralatan elektronik, furniture, dan berbagai barang lainnya. Proses pemindahan kantor, pembaruan peralatan, atau sekadar upaya untuk mengurangi kekacauan dapat menghasilkan sejumlah besar barang yang tidak lagi diperlukan. Layanan daur ulang dan pembuangan barang kantor hadir sebagai […]
Storing office assets is often a significant challenge for many companies, especially those operating in areas with limited space. Additionally, ensuring the security of valuable items and important assets is a top priority. In this article, we will discuss effective office asset storage solutions, how to optimize available space, and ways to safeguard the valuable […]
Penyimpanan aset kantor sering kali menjadi tantangan besar bagi banyak perusahaan, terutama yang beroperasi di area dengan ruang terbatas. Selain itu, memastikan keamanan barang berharga dan aset penting juga menjadi prioritas utama. Kita akan membahas solusi penyimpanan aset kantor yang efektif, bagaimana mengoptimalkan ruang yang tersedia, dan cara menjaga keamanan barang-barang berharga yang dimiliki perusahaan […]
Your organization will have various reasons to store business resources; it may be storage for a relocation, security, safety, or even decluttering to create space. With that in mind, we’ve listed FOUR KEY QUESTIONS to ask about storing your assets with removal and storage companies.
Moving an office is a challenging and complex process that requires careful planning and execution. Many companies face obstacles and problems during the relocation process, which can disrupt business operations and result in time and cost overruns. In this article, we will discuss some common mistakes that often occur during office moves and effective ways […]
Designing the layout of a new office is a critical step that is often overlooked or underestimated by many companies. However, careful and precise planning can significantly impact productivity, efficiency, and employee comfort. This article will delve into why planning the layout of a new office is essential and how it can positively contribute to […]
As the workplace evolves with the prevalence of hybrid working, technology follows suit. Read our guide on moving I.T to ensure your business is prepared.
Office relocation is a complex process that can become very expensive if not managed properly. From initial planning to execution, each stage requires detailed attention and an adequate budget. However, with some strategies, you can significantly reduce office relocation costs. Here are some budget-saving tips for effectively managing your office relocation expenses. 1. Create a […]