A Fresh Start in The Same Place? We Have Some Inspiring Ideas
Our best and clearest thinking happens in the shower, so what about the office…
A study by cognitive scientist Ron Friedman revealed that 72% of people generate their best ideas in the shower. The study highlights the importance of relaxation for creative thinking. People, devices and noise are all highly distracting. Therefore, it is important to find ways to block these distractions to encourage creativity.
If this is the case, why don’t we ensure our offices are just as inspiring? Even in some of the most liberal offices, hopping in the shower at work is frowned upon. So how can workspaces inspire creativity and productivity?
By having a well-designed office with the right balance of quiet and vibrant, interactive spaces, you can turn a tired and unimaginative workspace into something invigorating which is full of energy, creativity and productivity.
Create a truly unique and inspiring workplace
If you’re considering how you might change your work environment for the better, we’ve got some ideas. Whether you’re looking to attract and retain talent, make the office a more creative place, or simply make better use of the space you have, we can help.
We’ll help you analyse your workspace and transform its design to create a unique environment that is perfectly made for you.
Get in touch for more inspiration.
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