Crown Workspace – Carbon Reduction Plan 2022
Crown UK & Ireland have set the ambitious target of net-zero for Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2040 (relative to a 2019 baseline), with interim goals of a 45% reduction by 2025, and 65% reduction by 2030. These targets are in line with the Paris Agreement and keeping temperature increases to within 1.5 degrees Celsius.
We have made a commitment to switch to renewable energy across our entire estate and are investing in solar panels and energy reduction technologies across our estates.
We have invested in electric fleet, with more on order, and our Fleet strategy team are building our net zero transition strategy to compliment the work of our Carbon Reduction Team.
We are quantifying and setting robust targets for our scope 3 emissions in 2022.
This commitment is the starting point in our drive to be a more sustainable business and further updates on progress we are making will follow.
View our 2022 carbon reduction plan now!
For more information on the sustainable approach we are taking, click here!
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