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As overwhelming as an office redesign or move can be, having the right information will often ease any worries and prove crucial to your project’s success.

We’ve collated the most useful facts, resources and opinions to guide you, surprise you and inform you.

Your organisation will have various reasons to store business resources; it may be storage for a relocation, security, safety, or even decluttering to create space. With that in mind, we’ve listed FOUR KEY QUESTIONS to ask about storing your assets with removal and storage companies.

In 2020, with soaring COVID rates, we had to work from home. Our new workstation became that barely used desk in the bedroom, the dining table, or even the garden occasionally. It was us and our laptops against the world. Now, in 2024, we’re all likely to be back in the office a few times […]

Office attendance rates are rising, and are expected to throughout 2024. In fact, the return to office has been ongoing for quite some time; in March 2023, only 13% of job postings on LinkedIn offered remote working opportunities, and 87% of international organizations now encourage office attendance at least some of the working week. But […]


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There are many factors which influence trends in workspace design and workplace culture, so planning for life after Covid-19 is no easy task for businesses that want to look ahead in 2021. What is most complicated for employers is working out what new trends in the workplace environment are temporary, and perhaps stay in place […]

With the easing of Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) in most part of Malaysia, almost all sectors have been permitted to resume their business operations. However, getting employees back into the office is still a challenge for many employers. Bringing back employees on a rotation system in order to reduce number of people in the […]

Employers are encouraged by government to allow employees work from home, in order to help breaking the chain of virus infection in the middle of current CoVid19 situation. However, while traditional office environments are set up specifically to facilitate work, the average home has usually been designed with comfort in mind. This isn’t necessarily an […]

A change in scenery could be just what’s required to turn your employees into a happy and productive team. Employees eventually resemble the environment you put them in. Grey, if you’re not careful. But thought and imagination, allied to a strong sense of your brand identity, can create a positive transformation in everyone. DOWNLOAD the […]

Office move can be an opportunity to make positive changes to the business, but it can be challenging and an expensive investment if you do not get it right. A solid procurement process for an office move can help deliver cost savings, service efficiencies and a seamless ‘business as usual’ transition, ensuring a successful service […]

The furniture you select for your workspace can influence the organisation’s appearance, culture and most importantly, the atmosphere.

The findings from the Institute of Workplace and Facilities Management 2019 survey (IWFM, formerly BIFM) have been released.

It’s the opportunity to make positive changes to the business. However, it’s important not to let your excitement run away with you.