Move management for an entire hospital portfolio
Guys and St Thomas’ issued a tender for a full range of specialist move management services for the entire hospital portfolio of one of the busiest and most diverse trusts in the NHS. They were looking for a highly professional and experienced relocation partner with extensive knowledge of working in the national health services.
Providing extensive and move-related relocation services
Crown Workspace has been providing Guys and St Thomas with extensive and move related relocation services for many years. The planning and preparation for these highly specialised moves cannot be underestimated; we have vast experience of the medical sector and work closely in partnership with Guys and St Thomas’ in full appreciation of the sensitive and critical nature of the workplace.
Within the scope of this contract, we relocated the cardiac wards into the newly refurbished Stephen Ward and Beckett Ward at St Thomas’ hospital. This extensive project required the relocation of all the ward equipment and key support services from both Guys and St Thomas’ hospitals. The services provided needed to remain fully functional throughout the migration period. The wards, operating theatres, ITU and other critical services had to have special consideration through the planning process and tight implementation to deliver a successful move without any interruption to staff and patients.
The moves undertaken included:
- Accident and emergency
- Pharmacy
- Variety of wards
- Toxicology including chemical relocations
- Pharmacy
- Creams and ointments
- Community team
- Medical and x-ray records
“A huge thank you to all the Crown Workspace team who attended the weekend for the ward moves for all cardiac teams. In the event, the moves were about the best that I can remember. Thanks to everyone who made this move so smooth.”
Relocations Manager, Guys and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust
To find out more about our specialist move management services, and how we can help you with your workspace move, get in touch.