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2022 UK&I Sustainability Report

At Crown Workspace, we’ve been reporting on our environmental and social impact for several years.

This year, we are delighted to be supporting Crown Worldwide’s wider UK&I sustainability agenda, and being a part of the Group’s first UK&I sustainability report.

Knowing that a responsible business is the right thing for us to be, we have embarked on a journey and we are transforming accordingly.

Download the full report here!

Check out what we’ve been doing at Crown Workspace:

At Crown Workspace, we’re proud to have supported Crown Worldwide’s wider UK&I sustainability agenda. We’ve done this through donation of redundant furniture through our Giving Back Project, our growing electric fleet, as well as our moves being carbon neutral from 2022 forward.

“We continue to invest in our sustainable services which we have been providing for over a decade. 2022 saw record highs in Giving Back Project donations and Renew IT reconditioning recognising ever-increasing demand from clients. We continue to aspire to be the leading sustainable workplace change service provider and proactively work towards this goal year on year.”

Phil Oram, Regional Director, Crown Workspace

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