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Ergonomics in the workplace

When you think of the perfect office, what do you see? I see a place where my team feel happy, safe, and comfortable, with everything they need to perform their roles to the best of their abilities. I also want my employees to know that I care about both their physical and mental health.

How an office looks and feels is a big contributing factor to this, but the importance of ergonomic design is crucial. Ergonomics is not just ensuring everyone has a comfortable chair that suits their body type, it’s about ensuring the whole working environment and all equipment is designed to make them comfortable and therefore allowing them to be productive.

In this blog Ashley Lawrence, Head of Furniture and Fit Out at Crown Workspace, discusses how to create a comfortable and safe workplace through ergonomics.

Written by Ashley Lawrence


Head of Furniture and Fit Out

Ashley Lawrence is the Head of Furniture and Fit Out for Crown Workspace. He believes that by having a sustainability focus in our workplaces, we can encourage families and friends to be environmentally responsible too.


Ergonomics in the workplace is crucial for creating a comfortable and productive environment for your team. To achieve the perfect office setup, it’s essential to focus on ergonomic office space design and ensure that your employees have the right equipment.

Where should I start?

Start with the cornerstone of a comfortable workspace – the chair. A well-designed ergonomic chair is a must, and you can even consider a refurbished office chair to save on costs. Refurbished office chairs often offer the same quality as new ones but at a more budget-friendly price. Make sure each employee’s chair suits their body type, with options for small, medium, and large frame sizes. Adjustable features, like chair height and arm height, are also important for individual comfort. Additionally, consider providing lumbar support for those who need it.

Incorporating a height-adjustable desk into your office space design is a great idea. It allows your team to change positions throughout the day, promoting better concentration and workflow. If adjustable desks aren’t available, consider having stand-up desks as an alternative to give your employees a chance to rest their backs and enjoy a change of scenery.

After addressing chairs and desks, pay attention to other equipment like keyboards, mice, and screens. An ergonomic setup is crucial to prevent issues like carpal tunnel syndrome. Ensure that hands and wrists are in a natural position while typing and set screens at eye level to reduce any strain on the neck. Encourage your team to follow the 20-20-20 rule, taking regular breaks every 20 minutes to look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds to reduce eye strain. Remember to schedule regular eye tests to keep everyone’s eyes healthy.

Staff Training

While having the right equipment is essential, ongoing training is equally invaluable. Your team should know how to set up their work environment to suit their individual needs and understand the importance of taking regular breaks. Display Screen Equipment (DSE) assessments are a legal requirement for those who regularly use display screens, but it’s also crucial to go beyond compliance and educate your team about the benefits of correct working positions. Consider offering training videos, in-house sessions, or external providers to demonstrate your commitment to their well-being.

Considering how much time we spend in front of a computer, it’s crucial to respect our bodies’ natural need to move and stretch. Office yoga is a fantastic way to encourage movement and reduce the risk of injury and long-term sickness. You can do simple stretches and exercises right in your office chair to promote better health and comfort.

Lighting in the workplace

Lighting in your workspace is essential for eye health. Ensure it’s not too dim or too bright to prevent eye strain and headaches. If possible, maximize natural light in your office layout by moving meeting rooms away from the perimeter. Adjustable lighting at each workstation can further enhance eye health and productivity. Investing in lighting upgrades can be cost-effective in the long run, as energy-efficient options can reduce your energy costs and environmental footprint.

As businesses transition to hybrid working models, it’s important to encourage employees to use company premises effectively. Many people have set up comfortable home offices during the pandemic, but businesses should focus on providing flexible workstations that can adapt to various employees’ needs. Investing in high-quality, fully adjustable refurbished furniture is an eco-friendly and cost-effective solution. You can reduce your carbon footprint and make a difference in the environment by keeping quality used furniture in use for longer.

In conclusion, ergonomics should be a top priority for every employer aiming to create a safe, healthy, and productive work environment. Consider the importance of ergonomic office space design and invest in the right equipment, including refurbished office chairs, to support your team’s well-being and productivity.

Are you looking for a moving company who can help you on this journey? Get in touch with our friendly team of experts today to find out more!

Or, if you want to reach out me directly, get in touch here!

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